I have never classified myself as a man-hater.
I've always been a feminist, and it's not the same. What is happening now in the world has devastating consequences for humanity. I have started to hate things that I never had strong feelings about before.
Regarding Israel, there has previously been only one right side.
Today I hate Israel. I hate Bibi & Co, I hate the IDF, I hate the indoctrination, I hate the attitude of über alle, the fascism, the emotional coldness, the racism, the extermination, the settlement policy. Hate is a strong word and to go from empathy and sympathy to hatred in less than a year feels so strange. But that's how it is. What is happening is not only a disaster for the Palestinians, but also for Jews throughout the world.
Same thing with Trump, Musk & Co.
I hate the arrogance, the overbearing, the belittling, the megalomania, the power madness, the narcissism, the fascism. What is happening in the US now affects the whole world and I know many men in Sweden who would have voted for Trump if they lived in the US. And I feel so torn as to whether or not I can be a good person and have those sympathies. What is happening is not only a disaster for the United States, but for the whole world and also for you men.
Maybe it's the best thing anyway, that everyone confesses color now. That we get to see the shit for what it is, nothing happens in the dark anymore. Maybe they will make some of us wake up and realize what is happening in front of the open curtain. All emperors are both naked and crazy. And they are men.
I am a trans mom. There's a lot we don't know about each other and sometimes I get asked why I'm so committed, and a lot of my why is here. I am the mother of a transgender. No experience or challenge in my life has humbled me as much as this. Thanks to that, I have a much better understanding of what it's like to be on the other side of the law. To be wrong in society's eyes, to not be safe, to take big risks by being yourself.
How right could be so wrong.
I think a lot of people get a kick out of it, rightly or wrongly, because we have an affiliation that is wrong. And it swings fast. Yesterday it was right to like Elon and Trump and support Israel no matter what. I doubt if it feels as right to do so today, and if it does, you are absolutely right to follow me now.
Man-hating trans mom.
And you can kiss my ass.