I love this work!
Shooting commercials - easy does it!
You may think that this job is easy and a no brainer, and it is! This doesn’t mean you don’t require skills and patience. When I say it’s a no brainer, I mean I go to work, do my job and then I leave the set. End of story. No after work, no late nights, no meetings, no strategies, no budgets, I don’t even need to have an opinion. Some people may think it sounds boring and to me, it’s my dream job. I show up, am beautified, meet amazing people, do as they say. No decisions to make. I do what I enjoy and receive tons of positive confirmation, I also get to swop from one beautiful husband to another…!
I hope to call this my day job, full time job in the not so far future.
Love, Shama
Me and my latest (not last) husband Ingemar